Why River City Church?
The Story behind our Name
Why 'River'? Throughout the Bible, the River is a source of life brings healing, blessing and joy (Ps. 46, Eze. 47, Rev. 22). Jesus himself picked up on this theme and invited all to come to Him to drink from this river, so that our thirst would be quenched and life would flow out of us. The imagery of a river also signifies movement. Water doesn't just gather, stay contained and grow stale in a river; it continues to move and is sent into the ocean, bringing and sustaining life wherever it goes.
God has reminded us of this, time and again! As a church, our desire is to enjoy God's life-giving presence together as we gather as a family. But the same Spirit who brings us into a gospel family also compels us to be sent on gospel mission.
God has reminded us of this, time and again! As a church, our desire is to enjoy God's life-giving presence together as we gather as a family. But the same Spirit who brings us into a gospel family also compels us to be sent on gospel mission.
Why 'City'? Because in the Bible, the River is so often seen flowing into and through a city! Our local vision is to be a church that blesses and brings God's life-giving presence into the city where we are. We are convinced that we're not merely planting a meeting, but that we are planting a mission! Like the early church, we long to be a church engaged in prayer, generosity, compassion and evangelism.
Lastly, while we want to be a blessing in our own zip code, we are convinced that God's heart is to bless the nations of the earth. As such, our global vision is to partner with other churches strategically to plant and strengthen churches in the nations (with a particular focus on cities in Asia).
Lastly, while we want to be a blessing in our own zip code, we are convinced that God's heart is to bless the nations of the earth. As such, our global vision is to partner with other churches strategically to plant and strengthen churches in the nations (with a particular focus on cities in Asia).
Our Vision
A gospel-centered, Spirit-empowered family on mission
Our Mission
Reach the lost & scattered,
Restore people in family,
Raise disciples & leaders,
Release people on mission
Restore people in family,
Raise disciples & leaders,
Release people on mission